Last summer about this time I was in a FUNK. I was so sad, mad and disappointed with so many people I didn’t know what to do! I hate funks. My definition of a funk is when you are emotionally and/or spiritually stuck. You are in a “place” in your mind and emotions and you can’t seem to leave that place! You want to. You just can’t.
I traced the funk back to 2 things: the final dismantling (death) of a friendship, and the death of my precious father. Interesting how they were both ‘final’ things. I was grieving. For me, the grief process opened powerful doors of self doubt, anger and disappointment. It wasn’t long before I found objects to attach these negative emotions to (i.e. people).
“I’m so disappointed with……”
“Am I a good friend to…..anyone?”
“If this person annoys me one more time I’m going to….rrrr!”
I soon found myself turning toward the road of bitterness. Have you ever been on that road? It’s a popular road in Funkland. I want to scream to you a warning: “Watch out for the bitterness exit – it comes up quickly! Look out! It’s just a few exits after hurt and confusion. Don’t go there!”
We’ve all watched people crash and burn on the road of bitterness. We’ve all been slammed into by another person’s sour attitude or negative life. It’s an ugly, dangerous, life-stealing path. None of us want to end up like that.
Where’s the line between getting better and getting bitter? How do we find that line and stay on the other side of it? The weather in Funkland is usually foggy, have you noticed? It’s hard to find the lines on the road. I knew I was ON the dangerous bitter road last summer, but it was so hard for me to see! I didn’t know how to GET OFF!
But God did.
When God shines His light into our lives, no fog is too thick. It’s an eye-opening experience that usually leads to a new life-changing road. For me, it’s almost always a HARD path to follow. Dang if I don’t hate God’s word sometimes. Yet…my experience in doing what God says (obeying) always makes my life less foggy and more crystal clear. Always.
God’s word to us is sort of like wearing funky clothes. They look and feel different from the norm; they get attention; and they are fun. Try these two bible verses on for size and see how they fit on you:
Colossians 3:13-14: “You must make allowance ...” (make room for….shove things out of the way for…move stuff over) “….for each other’s faults and forgive the person who offends you.” (Are you choking yet? I was. “Forgiveness pants too tight – need air!”) “Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others…” (“Yeah, yeah…I know all this! Blah blah blah”) “…And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony.” (Oh. I like love. Love shirts look beautiful on others. Wow, it would look cool on me too. OK, I’m listening, Lord.)
And God said – “Put them on my daughter. I bought these clothes just for you. How do they fit?” And so I did. And they were tight and uncomfortable and weird feeling ...
How do those things fit on YOU? Forgiveness and love - how do they fit on you? I must say they were quite restrictive when I first tried them on. In fact, it has taken me about a year of spiritual work outs to get rid of my spiritual fat (hypocrisy, denial, pride).
Am I suggesting that you could be a little spiritually fat? A little spiritually out of shape? I’m just saying I was. Those God-given clothes didn’t fit me so well; I did NOT like putting them on. Sooooo uncomfortable and funky feeling!
We all need to work out every so often. Maybe your forgiveness thighs are a tad underworked and getting a little large. And how are the love muscles working these days? Need a work out and some new clothes? I did.
What if we actually tried Colossians 3:13&14 on for size? What if we made it a part of our daily spiritual workout routine to fit into these God-given clothes? These are our Creator’s gifts for us to keep us off the bitterness road. He’ll even help you put them on.
Seriously, take a look in the mirror today. Would these funky clothes make you look bitter or better?